
Amazon-Clone built with React | Node.js | StripeCheckOut | Flexbox | Firebase

Make purchase of products at the comfort of your home with this E-commerce app.

Netflix Clone built with React Styled-Components | Context Hook | Firestore for the backend

Watch movies and TV series from the comfort of your home.

React.js | RapidAPI | Flexbox | CSS-Grids | Firebase | Axios

Fully mobile responsive web application that is responsive in about 90% of mobile devices.

Airbnb clone built with React.js | Express.js | MongoDB | Node.js

Find homes around you when you are in an area for business.

Netflix built with React-Youtube Integration | React.js | CSS Flexbox | Firebase Login & SignUp

See what's hot and what's not on netflix-youtube's app.

Google Clone React.js | Flexbox | Firebase

Search the web for any content you wish to find out about from this product

React.js | Flexbox |

Get real time data on the covid-19 pandemic for all countries in the world.


More about me

After spending 4 years in medical school, I decided a couple of years ago to make a change and pursue a career as a Front-end Developer. Ever since I got the hang of writing code and becoming one of the finalists of Google Afica's Developers Scholarship programme, I developed keen interests in understanding software.

To grow as a developer, I'm dedicated to learning and writing clean and maintanable code. But when not writing or reading code, I engage in fun activities like singing, walking, meditation and reading books.

I am based in Cameroon.


  • JavaScript
  • HTML(5)
  • CSS(3)
  • Angular
  • React.js
  • Version Control(Git)
  • Netlify
  • Heroku

Let's Work Together

Working on a new project and want me to tag along?

Gimme a shout out 😊